Submission Info


Manuscript Preparation

Before submitting your manuscript to ICDEES 2024, please make sure that your manuscript has comply with the conference’s guidelines. Any manuscript submitted to the ICDEES 2024 must be adhering to these points:

  1. Prepare your manuscript using IMRaD format (Introduction, Method, Result, and Discussion). Each section should represent each part in IMRaD correctly.
  2. Write your manuscript using the conference template. Follow the guidelines given in the template correctly. The paper template can be acquired here 
  3.  Your manuscript should be written between 15 to 20 pages long.
  4. Please ensure that the topic in your manuscript is suitable with the conference theme and topics. Any submitted manuscript MUST contain any topics on computer science domain. The main knowledge must be in computer science. Any manuscript that talks about the usage of IT (IT as a tool) within any other domain of knowledge will be rejected. Please refers to the Conference Scope of Topics for further information.
  5. To ensure double blindness, DO NOT put any authors’ information on the manuscript. This includes names, email addresses, and any affiliations. Location of the research, if referring to the same affiliation with the authors, should be changed into “XXX” for review process. This change only applies for a specific location, for example “Bina Nusantara University”. Any city or any other general geographic marker are excluded for this rule.
  6. This conference forbids the usage of any generative AI tools for manuscript preparation/writing. Please ensure that your manuscript does not contains any material acquired from generative AI tools. This rule does not apply to manuscript that target generative AI as their main topics.
  7. Please ensure that the similarity rating for your manuscript does not exceed 20%. The threshold excludes references, and any header/footer of the paper template.
  8. Please ensure that your manuscript has adequate numbers of references. Please make sure that, at least, 60% of your references come from valid resources (journal, conference proceedings, book, or any official data sources).
  9. Contents of the papers should have experiment results with adequate contribution that compare with previous research. Paper with Survey Literature Review (SLR) must be added with the experiment result.

Citation & Reference Guide

This conference uses Vancouver Style for its citation and references style. Any citation should be cited as bracketed number, such as [1]. The number should be start at [1] and increase in order of appearance. As for the references, it should be written in the order of citation appearance (thus, same as the citation number). There is no maximum limit of references. However, please ensure that only a related references are included in the manuscript. For further explanation on Vancouver Style, please refers to this guideline.

Review Process

To ensure transparency and accountability on the review process, and to ensure the quality of presented paper, we present our review process in ICDEES 2024. The review process of ICDEES 2024 are as follows:

  1. Each manuscript will be subjected to 2 review phases: the desk evaluation, and peer review.
  2. At desk evaluation, each manuscript will be check for the conformity to the conference’s topics and paper format. Each manuscript will be also checked for similarity and AI generated content, using Turnitin. Any manuscript that exceeds 20% in similarity index or more than 20% AI generated probability will be rejected and will not be sent to peer review.
  3. Any manuscript that passes the desk evaluation will be sent to peer review. Each manuscript will be reviewed by several reviewers. A minimum of two reviews is required for decision-making.
  4. All decisions about the acceptance will be notified at notification date, regardless of the decision (including if the paper is rejected on desk evaluation phase).
  5. All accepted paper needs to be revised to adjust the paper template or to accommodate reviewers’ input (if any). The revision should be done before the final paper submission deadline. Any paper that fails to do this will have its acceptance retracted.
  6. After final paper submission, all manuscripts will be prepared for publication. In this phase, the Track Director might contact the authors to request a change on their manuscript. Otherwise, the manuscript will be edited dan prepared by the Track Director.

Your papers can be submitted at

All accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into Springer book series “Studies in Computational Intelligence” (SCI) that indexed by SCOPUS.