Workshop Bandung – 8 July 2019

We cordially invite you to:
Which will be held on:
Monday, July 8th, 2019
09.00 – 14.00 WIB
At Campus BINUS Bandung, 7th Floor – Room 7010
Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 25-27
Paskal Hyper Square, Bandung – 40181
Reservation: 0821 2434 888 9 – Risma Adhy Nugroho
- Prof. Edi Abdurahman, Ph.D
- Dr. Ford Lumban Gaol, SM IEEE
- Spits Warnars Harco Leslie Hendric, Ph.D
- Dr. Ir. Yaya Heryadi, M.Sc
- Agung Trisetyarso, Ph.D
We are hoping you will take some time to come to the BINUS UNIVERSITY Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) Workshop on Monday, July 8th, 2019 Please click this register button below: