Networking Dinner & Info Session – The Success How to Prepare for Doctoral Program in Computer Science & Information System

We cordially invite you to:
Doctoral Session
Which will be held on:
October 24th, 2018
05.00 p.m – 08.00 p.m
At Room 621
BINUS fX Sudirman
fX Sudirman Mall, 6th Floor
Jl. Pintu Satu Senayan No. 3
Jakarta Pusat
Free of Charge by Reservation Only
For S2 graduates
(A limited number of reservations are available)
Topics & Speakers:
- Why to pursue Doctoral Program in Computer Science and Information System? by Dr. Yaya Heryadi
- The Doctoral Research Outline: How and Why? by Spits Warnars Harco Leslie Hendric, Ph.D
- The Model of Curriculum in Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) Program by Dr. Ford Lumban Gaol, SM IEEE
- The Secret of Success of Doctorate Studies by Agung Trisetyarso, Ph.D
The Success How to Prepare for Doctoral Program in Computer Science and Information System ?
During this event participants will:
- Expand professional network;
- Have the opportunity to ask questions about the topics;
- Be provided with an overview of the Doctor of Computer Science Program that includes specific program goals, objectives, and methodologies
We are hoping you will take some time to come to the BINUS UNIVERSITY Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) Information Session on October 24th, 2018. Please register if you are planning to attend by emailing us. Please click: